Gestures and Movement

Gestural navigation is an ever increasing method utilized across technology platforms today. This form of navigation differs from traditional touch navigation in that finger movement is recognized when contact is made with the screen and the interface responds with the appropriate action. Multi-touch navigation requires a minimum of 1cm (28 pixels) between any two fingers for the gesture to be recognized as two independent finger actions. Special consideration should be taken when designing using two-finger swipe to ensure the interface accommodates enough space for the user to touch with both fingers and complete the gesture while still allowing for the minimum spacing requirement. AMX touch panels support the following manipulation gestures:

UI Element Action Meaning
Swipe Make a fast vertical or horizontal movement on the screen. A swipe is like a fast drag, but the finger lifts at the end of the motion. Make the swipe gesture to scroll with momentum; scrolling continues even after the finger is lifted.
Rotate A minimum of two fingers touching the screen and making a twisting motion clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Tap Touch and quickly release; use to select or activate something.
Double Tap Two taps in quick succession.
Two-finger Swipe Make a fast vertical or horizontal movement on the screen using two fingers. A two-finger swipe is like a fast drag, but the fingers lift at the end of the motion. This gesture could be used to scroll with momentum; scrolling continues even after the finger is lifted.
Drag Moving a finger in contact with the screen, to move a card or other object.
Hold & Drag Press, wait, move, stop, and release.

Figure 9

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