The First Experience

Users’ overall success with an application can be influenced heavily by their initial experience. The first impression is a critical moment in which to gain a user’s trust and confidence. After an interface is started, the user should be able to use it productively within the first five minutes. Keep in mind that users will need to use your interface immediately to complete a

task. As part of your design, it is recommended to consider adding help tools that describe tasks in further detail; however the primary system tasks should be clear and understandable without prior review of any help tools. You can help users be productive by promoting your interface’s key features and functions at the highest level of navigation on the initial start-up page. At the same time, avoid overwhelming users with all the features in your interface. Instead, consider exposing features gradually through layered navigation and contextual tips. Remember that your users’ initial experience is not limited to the first five minutes with your interface. Your users will have an initial experience every time they use a new feature, so consider the first use of each aspect of your design.

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